How Power BI could Improve Your Business
How Power BI could Improve Your Business

6th October 2023

Organisations deal with tremendous streams of information. As the volume of information grows, these islands of data become increasingly abstract and harder to parse. Without a way to contextualise the information, it’s meaningless. Gathering these disparate data sets and giving them context as a cohesive whole is the job of business intelligence tools.

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What is Data Backup and Disaster Recovery?
What is Data Backup and Disaster Recovery?

15th September 2023

Data loss is an omnipresent risk. Cyber criminals never let up: 83 percent of organisations experienced more than one data breach in 2022. Natural disasters and accidents can level offices without warning. Even Google’s data centres can’t evade lighting strikes.

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Cyber Security Checklist for Businesses

18th July 2023

In the last 12 months, 32% of businesses in the UK reported a cyber attack. An estimated £21 billion is lost every year in the UK to cyber crime. The ubiquity and the cost of cyber crime demands that organisations make cyber security a top priority, especially when we are only becoming ever more reliant on technology to operate.

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Why Should You Outsource IT Support?

14th June 2023

In a tech-first world, IT has become the single business function that links and powers all others. Look into the inner workings of any department–whether HR or logistics–and you’ll find a network of devices and applications quietly processing the information that keeps small businesses and conglomerates alike alive.

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Hardware as an IT Service

11th May 2023

Hardware is one of the largest expenditures you’ll have as a business and will usually account for the majority of your IT spend. The average business spends 30 percent of its IT budget on tech alone. 

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Laptops at desk
What Are IT Audits And When Do You Need One?

10th May 2023

Organisations have gone all in for cloud technology. Entire functions are being migrated onto cloud platforms and services. Even small businesses operate on an ecosystem of different cloud-based applications.

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How to Perform Your Own IT Health Check

11th January 2023

Cybercrime, by nature, never stops evolving. Technology creates new attack surfaces and points to exploit with every iteration.

The cybersecurity industry and hackers are in a perpetual lockstep. When experts answered password theft with multi-factor authentication, hackers responded with elaborate scam messages and stealing session cookies.

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Industries Hit Hardest From Cyber Attacks

14th December 2022

Cybercrime is increasing across the board. Yet for a variety of reasons, the heat is more intense for some sectors. Finance and government organisations are obvious examples. Retailers are also heavily targeted, especially since businesses collect far more than our payment details nowadays.

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Energy-Saving Hacks That Can Save Your Business Money

26th October 2022

Electricity is a fundamental need. And the bills that come, a given cost of doing business. Many barely glance at the figure on the paper before settling their dues. Some even automate payments.

Yet it pays to carefully comb through your bill. This year, even more so. Energy costs are on the rise, driven by soaring inflation rates and the pipeline disruptions as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

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